1.A) Task Definition.
   B) Information Seeking Strategies
   C) Location And Access
   D) Use Of Information
   F) Evaluation 
2. It helps you determine and construct the information you found from research. Its like a guide line that can help you make sure you have the right info you have and its really good because overall its just helpful in itself.
3. It helps me really make sure I have the right things that I look up and it gives me a better idea of telling whether or not i have the right information.

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) is one of the fakest sites I have ever encountered.  First of the thing that stands out the most about this being made is that regular aluminum foil cannot deflect any invisible waves. The only thing aluminum protects against is the cold air making your warm food get cold. The information  they gave was that aluminum foil can shield people from reading our brains or lectromagnetic psychotronic mind control carriers that people use to get to our mind. All of that is really stupid and if you believe it you need some help to help your brain.

 I think my digital imprint began when I was inside of my mother’s stomach and before I knew what this world even was. She had no clue that having scans of her stomach and showing them to family members over email and all other types of ways that were unknown to her. For Barack Obama I got all types information regarding his win against Mitt Romney to get his second election. I could say that most of everything I have found for him is true. Also the stuff that I found about myself was true and depending on whatever I typed in on people can have a small opinion about me like if I looked up inappropriate things on the internet or if I always looked at my grades or something. People can make an assumption on someone just off of what they do on a day to day basis but they won’t really understand that person completely. If people looked at my history of what I did they would see me as a very productive person and that I use my time wisely. They also would say I have a Facebook addiction but that of course isn't true. But overall I think that everyone will at some point have a huge digital footprint and most will not even know that it exists.